1. Lack of real communication
Internet for life or life for the Internet? Internet addiction in teenagers
Stages of development Teenage Internet addiction has a number of underlying causes and can be expressed in a variety of forms.
Benefits of Stress (17)
Sleep removes the effects of stress and unpleasant memories
A little nervous excitement has a beneficial effect on a person. But severe stress triggers the mechanism of destruction, when
photo 4
Andrey KurpatovPsychosomatics. Psychotherapeutic approach
A whole complex of psychological symptoms that manifest themselves very acutely as a response to that
Anancastic personality disorder: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease
Anancastic personality disorder: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease (9 photos)
Anancastic personality disorder (from ancient Greek ἀναγκαστῶς - “forced”); obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (from the English obsession -
Deviant behavior of adolescents: what needs to be done
Intragroup conflict: characteristics, types, causes, consequences
Leadership and conflict in a small group It is believed that leadership (from the English leader - leader),
hysterical pregnancy
What can be the consequences of tantrums during pregnancy? What to do if a pregnant woman is hysterical?
Hysteria during pregnancy haunts almost all women. Unfortunately, the hormonal levels of girls can be calmed down
How to overcome shyness and self-doubt?
How to overcome self-doubt, fear and embarrassment for a man. Shyness is considered to be an age trait.
Well, very scary, a bedtime story, after which you won’t wake up to sleep until the morning.
Why do we have scary dreams?
Why is a child afraid? Fear and anxiety are natural emotional reactions. As you grow older
Degrees of mental retardation: debility, imbecility, idiocy
Profound mental retardation ICD-10 73. ICD-9 318.2318.2 DiseasesDB 001523 MedlinePlus 001523 eMedicine med/3095 neuro/605neuro/605
How quickly does love pass in men after a breakup?
Mental pain during separation Consults: Miftakhutdinova Elza Raisovna The relationship seemed so stable and happy,
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