How do you know if you are depressed? Signs and symptoms

What is depression

Before we get to the signs of depression, let's find out what this condition actually means.

The term "depression" comes from the Latin word "deprimo", which literally means "to press down", "to suppress". Depression is a mental disorder characterized by low mood and loss of the ability to experience pleasure. The condition may be accompanied by despondency, anxiety, absolute apathy, inaction, and gloomy thoughts.

Sometimes depression can be a consequence of more serious disorders in the central nervous system. People who suffer from high blood pressure for a long time sooner or later experience depressive symptoms. But they are only part of the manifestations associated with general disorders of the central nervous system. There are a number of organic diseases that also contribute to the development of depression. Most often these include endocrine system disorders, cardiovascular pathologies, and gastrointestinal diseases.

The difference between depression and the bad mood that each of us experiences from time to time is the duration of its course and the person’s inability to cope with his condition.

Depression is divided into several types and each has its own characteristics. But all types have one thing in common - a severe psycho-emotional state, from which the sufferer does not have the strength to get out.

Many people believe that depression is a manifestation of weakness, lack of will, or some kind of whim. This is an absolute fallacy. With a depressive disorder, organic changes occur in the functioning of the brain and nervous system - disturbances in the production and communication of neurotransmitters. This is why it is extremely difficult to get out of depression simply by willpower. To normalize the functioning of neurotransmitters, drug therapy is often necessary.

With a lack of mediators (serotonin, dopamine or norepinephrine), a person feels a decline in mood. When the balance of neurotransmitters is restored and the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, depression goes away.

The mistake of many sufferers is that they hesitate to seek help, underestimating the severity of their condition. The deeper the depression becomes, the more difficult and longer it takes to treat.

Treatment options

Treatment for depression includes:

  • Drug treatment is developed taking into account the patient's condition, response to previous courses and the risk of side effects. Antidepressant drugs suppress the action of certain hormones that contribute to the development of depressive conditions and restore hormonal balance in the body.
  • Maintenance treatment involves a regular visit to a specialist to monitor the results of treatment, adjust the chosen course, obtain the necessary clarifications, etc.
  • additional methods of influence: psychotherapy, phototherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, deep brain stimulation methods, etc.

Provided you follow all the specialist’s recommendations and complete the course, stable positive results can be achieved within several weeks, while simultaneously reducing the risk of recurrence of depressive conditions.

Causes of depression

Every person can encounter this pathology, regardless of age, health, or social status. However, women are more susceptible to depression than men. It is believed that smart people who spend a lot of time thinking are more susceptible to the disorder. But there are no exact statistics in this area.

Such outstanding personalities as Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, Sigmund Freud, and Franz Kafka suffered from depression. Many modern celebrity personalities have also encountered the disorder. This only confirms that money, fame, recognition do not protect a person from mental problems, because the whole world is inside him.

How to determine that a person has depression and understand the reasons for its occurrence?

Experts identify several main factors in the development of this disorder.

  1. Biological factor . Here, the triggers can be organic diseases, metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances (especially in women after childbirth and menopause).
  2. Psychological factor. The cause of the development of depression can be various psychological traumas, such as the loss of loved ones, experiencing disasters or difficult events, divorce, loss of property, business or work, problems in the family and personal life, lack of self-realization, and the like.
  3. Social factor . It is found mainly in countries and cultures with very rigid social boundaries that do not allow people to step over them by expressing themselves or accepting different views. For example, there are countries where young people are married by their parents, regardless of their feelings and desires. Refusal of traditions entails renunciation of the family and a shameful stigma. It is not surprising that victims of social stereotypes develop mental disorders.

the person is depressed and in no mood

Frequently asked questions about depression

How to get rid of depression on your own?

Attempts to deal with depression on your own usually end in failure and the appearance of signs of a deeper disorder. Only an experienced doctor will be able to determine the type of disease and select the optimal treatment tactics. Folk remedies, uncontrolled use of antidepressants “on the advice of friends,” withdrawal into oneself only tighten the problem and can cause deeper mental disorders with a simultaneous deterioration in physical health.

Why is depression dangerous?

Voluntary refusal of treatment with the intention of independently overcoming the disease can have the most severe consequences: the appearance of suicidal thoughts, deep mental disorders, increased frequency of attacks, personal degradation in professional and family terms, and the emergence of addiction to alcohol and drugs. It is useless to treat all of these symptoms with conventional treatment methods, and taking potent drugs can cause side effects.

How to understand that a person is depressed - signs and symptoms

A person does not always realize that he has become depressed. Moreover, others may not notice it. There is a misconception that depressed people are very gloomy, gloomy, irritable and their entire appearance betrays their disorder. This is also a mistake; often the sufferer, on the contrary, does not show others what is going on inside him. He may look completely normal and even be friendly and smile. But at the same time suffer quietly alone

Check out the 10 main symptoms that indicate a person is depressed.

Remove it from your life and you will feel better.


People facing depressive disorder begin to avoid communication. It is difficult for them to express everything that they experience inside, knowing that not everyone will understand it. Some people don’t want to burden their loved ones with their problems. In such a state it is difficult to maintain idle conversations. There is also a loss of interest in the affairs of others. The person withdraws and increasingly prefers to spend time alone or remain silent.

One of the earliest and surest signs of depression is anhedonia - a persistent decrease or loss of the ability to experience pleasure.

Chronic fatigue

One of the early symptoms that help identify depression is feeling constantly tired. The reason it appears is not due to organic problems. The fact is that the body spends a huge amount of energy on thought processes. Depression takes a lot of energy because the sufferer is constantly in his gloomy “mental stirrer”.

Many people have probably noticed how new goals, dreams, and aspirations increase our vitality and give us energy. With depression, a person loses all aspirations and does not receive bursts of energy. In addition, sleep is disrupted, which makes fatigue worse. The unfortunate person may wake up already tired or feel exhausted after working for a short time.

Decreased or complete lack of motivation

A person suffering from depression has a greatly reduced motivation for everything. There is no particular desire to get up in the morning. There is no incentive to work, interest in hobbies is lost. Plans and goals that were important lose their relevance. It is very difficult to force yourself to do anything. Earning money, fulfilling a long-time dream, and opportunities are no longer motivating factors.

Increased irritability

Not everyone who is depressed exhibits increased irritability. But a sudden increase in blood pressure may be a sign of a mental disorder. The sufferer begins to become irritated at every occasion, showing impatience where previously he was restrained. Any little thing can make you lose your temper. There are more conflicts and disagreements in communication.

Victor Kremenko – psychotherapist:

“Depression is not laziness, weak character, or indulging in bad moods. This is a serious disease that entails organic changes. I am sorry that in our country there is such low psychological literacy among the population. People ignore their condition and continue to suffer for years, afraid to turn to a psychotherapist. But why, if you break your arm, do you go to a traumatologist for a cast? And if your soul is broken, don’t you look for help?

The good news is that this disorder is completely reversible and the sooner you contact a specialist, the sooner you will return to normal and continue to conquer your life.”

Polarity of temperament

Every person has a basic temperament that does not change throughout life. If a person who is calm and friendly by nature suddenly becomes hot-tempered and aggressive, this may be a harbinger of depression. The same applies to active, emotional people - they suddenly withdraw, become quiet, depressed and indifferent.

Depression is stress that overloads the emotional background, so that it can shift in the opposite direction.

Changing eating behavior

Another sign of how to understand that a person has become depressed is to observe his eating behavior. Very rarely does it remain at the same level as before. Two extremes can arise here - lack of appetite or excess of it. Some depressed people begin to lose weight, while others actively gain weight. You may have cravings for certain types of food, especially sweet, spicy, or salty foods.

Decreased libido

One of the common signs of depression is decreased sexual interest. The sufferer has neither the strength nor the desire to devote himself to this activity. If a person is in a relationship, it immediately affects the relationship in a negative way. The partner may think that he has fallen out of love or is being cheated on. But in fact, the problem lies in something completely different. This behavior can only worsen depression, causing discord in the family.

Interesting facts about depression:

Fact 1

Overcoming depression requires a very delicate internal restructuring. In addition to medication, a person must undertake a very difficult inner journey to learn to change their thoughts and better control their emotions.

Fact 2

According to the WHO forecast, by 2030 depression will become the second leading cause of disability (HIV will take the lead).

Fact 3

It is a common belief that depression is for weak-willed people. It's not like that at all. People of any age, gender and occupation can suffer from depression. Among the patients there are quite successful businessmen, energetic athletes, high school students and young mothers who have recently given birth to a child.

Indifference to appearance

It does not appear immediately and not for everyone, but it can serve as a clear sign that defines depression. A person who always takes care of himself begins to show sloppiness. A woman, for example, stops wearing makeup and dyeing her hair. A man can wear the same shirt to work all week. Also, with depression, the desire to buy new beautiful things and take care of oneself disappears. In severe cases, the sufferer is able to stop taking a daily shower and washing things.

Freezing state

A person who is depressed increasingly experiences moments of complete immobilization and indifference. In this state, the unfortunate person can lie or sit for hours and stare at one point, without even eating. Sometimes the whole weekend goes like this. This degree of depression is considered severe and requires immediate help.

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Physiological manifestations

Physical symptoms that appear against the background of depression are called psychosomatics.

The sufferer begins to experience various ailments: headaches, digestive disorders, interruptions in heart function, decreased vision, dizziness, etc. The person begins to suspect that he has serious illnesses, but upon examination nothing is found. The fact is that against the background of mental disorders, a malfunction of the nervous system occurs and vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs. It gives many physical symptoms, aggravating the already depressed state of the patient.

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