Neuritis pain in the hand - Nerve diseases
Causes of pain in the hands. If your elbow hurts - diagnostics. Herniated disc in the cervical spine
Timely intervention by a specialized specialist will eliminate the most severe consequences of injuries and damage and help support
Mysteries of the human psyche: How to put a person into a trance (4 photos)
Site about constellations, Osho rebalancing and Ericksonian trances
Initiated people know that there is a secret door in the human mind. Most people leave
Stress management for a business person. Stress management technologies tested in corporate wars, legal battles and tough negotiations (Yu. V. Shcherbatykh, 2017)
You should not rely on your memory; you need to write down the necessary information. It is not recommended to chip off small
Methods for treating brain tumors without surgery
How is brain cancer classified? A brain tumor is a neoplasm that may have
How vagoinsular crisis manifests itself and is treated in children and adults
Vagoinsular crisis is a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The reason for its occurrence will be
The baby is crying
A one-year-old child sleeps restlessly at night: what is the reason?
Possible causes Health problems can influence the appearance of restless sleep in a child Restless
Relationship between stresses and internal forces
State of mental tension (stress)
Every person feels the manifestation of feelings of tension or a feeling of being on edge, most often this happens in moments
Acute psychosis
Panic disorder (episodic paroxysmal anxiety)
Panic disorder ICD-11 6B016B01 ICD-10 41.041.0 ICD-10-CM F41.0 ICD-9 300.01300.01, 300.21300.21 OMIM 167870, 607853
Questions of computer tests in lesson No. 34 on the topic “Neuroses”
Diseases that begin with the letter “N”: Narcolepsy, Drug addiction, Corns, Neuralgia, Sciatic nerve neuralgia, Neuralgia
Low-grade temperature: reasons for the increase in the evenings
The average normal temperature of the human body is 36.6ºC. Many diseases are accompanied by increased
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